
Friday, January 13, 2012

We all have weaknesses. What are some of your major weaknesses?

This is not the time to confess all your problems nor to confidently say you have no weaknesses. The best way to handle this question is to mention personal weaknesses that are outside the job or a professional weakness that you have already improved upon. For example, "I have a real weakness for chocolate that tends to go right to my waist! I'm watching my calories carefully these days!" or "I've never been good with accounting. I'm glad this job doesn't involve accounting." Or "I have a tendency to take on too much on my own. I am working on this by delegating more." or you could mention any of your bad things like if you are arrogant, short tempered, etc,(if you are so) but don't forget to say this "But my friends says i am improving on it". This will show case your confessing attitude without spoiling your game.

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